
Everyone has a unique career journey. No matter where you are in that journey, with the right insights and planning you can build a career that excites and energises you rather than being a source of dread.




I'm Laxmi Jaishi

I'm an ex-lawyer who is passionate about making our careers a force for good so that it has a positive impact on our health and happiness rather than being a burden and sometimes even a source of harm. Despite the fact that many of us will spend most of our waking hours working and our career will have a huge impact on our lives, we learn very little about how to make career decisions. 

Now I use my own personal experience of changing career and my insights as a career coach with degrees in psychology and neuroscience to help people just like you find career fulfillment. I’ll show you how to identify what's right for you, avoid pitfalls and feel empowered to step into a career that you actually want in your life.

Get clarity

Move out of being stuck and get clear on your best options.

Take action

Take action confidently with a concrete roadmap.

Build your future

Don't lose another year where nothing changes. Build the future you want.

My Story

I've always been driven and worked hard towards my goals. I felt proud when I qualified as a lawyer particularly coming from a background where my parents had no formal education themselves. But, although I was ticking all the achievement boxes and from the outside I had all the markers of a successful career, I felt a disconnect on the inside. This was incredibly hard to admit at the time and I felt guilty that I should just be grateful for what I had.

But I could feel my future regret if I just settled. I knew I had to find a way to build the career and future I wanted. After losing many hours aimlessly looking at job posts, I realised I needed more than just hoping for an 'epiphany'. 

I dove into career literacy (the ability to make informed career decisions and devise a course of action to reach goals) and came up with a plan for myself that was actionable, risk-assessed and, importantly, gave me forward momentum. I followed my deeper interests in human behaviour and trained as a life coach. Along the way, I got master's degrees in psychology and neuroscience because I love research and translating science for real life decisions.

Now I use what I've learned to empower others to achieve their career fulfillment and not give up on their vision for a future that excites them.


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